Hearts Together Women Break-time Gathering Guides
Take a break from the busyness of life to unite in faith.
Gather, Repeat, and Rejoice as the atmosphere changes!
The break-time gathering guides below can be used during a break from life’s busyness among any group of Christian women who do some facet of life together - friends, acquaintances, neighbors, coworkers, teammates, volunteers, fellow moms, etc. We know you are busy. You are always on the go! We also know there is power in gathering and uniting with other women in the pursuit of Jesus. Could you take a break together to do just that - to pursue Jesus? We believe as you gather and unite with other Christian women - whether it be in your home, at a local coffee shop or diner, in your workplace break room, or even at the park while the kids play - the atmosphere will change and the Gospel will be advanced among you. The break-time gathering guides provide a tool to unite women in the pursuit of Jesus. Our hope is that this tool will serve as a springboard, empowering you to reach others in your community for Christ.
Simple to Use.
The tool we have created for facilitating a break-time gathering is readily accessible from any smart phone. Simply come to this page and scroll down to the Break-time Gathering Guides. Conduct your first gathering using the The Heart Series Gathering #1, which can be found by scrolling all the way to the bottom of the section.
Open the guide by tapping Read More and read together through the Scriptures and thoughts under God’s Heart. Next, use the discussion starters under Share Your Heart as a guide for an honest discussion regarding the Word. Finally, follow the prayer partnership guide under The Cries of Your Heart and pray a heartfelt prayer for the needs presented.
It’s that simple. Simply continue in sequential order up the page for following gatherings.
Anywhere and On the Go.
You can use the break-time gathering guides right where your life happens with any group of women you are doing life with.
Consider the possibilities - your coworkers, the women in your fitness class, the women who volunteer with you at a charitable organization, the women who live on your block, the other women on the PTA, the mothers of your child’s friends or teammates, and the list goes on.
Gather - for coffee, a snack, or lunch - wherever you find yourselves doing life together. Meet at your home, in a coffee shop, at the park, or even in the workplace break room.
If you can find just one other woman who is willing to gather with you, you are on your way to changing the atmosphere.